*********************************************************************************** This directory contains fixes for R/390 Release (in 4310FIXS.TRZ/ZIP) *********************************************************************************** General Infomation: ------------------- r390.obj (Use on AIX 4.2 and up for RS/6000 CHRP systems with P/390E) Note: These fixes are compatible only on P/390E systems. A new User's Guide (SA22-7265) is available. Fixes are provided here in both zip (pkzip) and tar.Z (compressed tar) formats. /usr/bin/r390/unzip can be used on zip files. All fixes and a detailed read.me are contained in 4310FIXS.TRZ and 4310FIXS.ZIP. 4111FIXS.LST (ascii) is a list of all fixes for your convenience. Download one of these files in binary to a tmp directory. Then do the following: for 4310FIXS.TRZ: mv 4310FIXS.TRZ 4310FIXS.TAR.Z uncompress 4310FIXS.TAR tar -xvf 4310FIXS.TAR for 4310FIXS.ZIP: /usr/bin/r390/unzip 4310FIXS.ZIP For Automated Installation of the latest fixes: ----------------------------------------------- ALWAYS shutdown the 390 OS, stop390 (END P/390), and exit "R/390 Main Menu" before applying. 1) Download 4310FIXS.LST (ascii) and 4310FIXS.ZIP (binary) to your R/390 system in a directory with at least 20MB of free space. 2) type '/usr/lpp/r390/bin/unzip 4310fixs.zip apply4310' to extract the install script. 3) type './apply4310' 4) If prompted "replace xxxx.xxx? " reply with A (upper case). 5) Follow the Special Instructions listed. Fix Methods for Manual Installation: ------------------------------------- ALWAYS shutdown the 390 OS, stop390 (END P/390), and exit "R/390 Main Menu" before applying any fix. ALWAYS back up the old module before applying any fix module. ALWAYS observe the module type (BIN vs. ASC). ALWAYS observe the mixed case file names (do not convert). See which of these steps to use below for each fix (Patch Steps): 1) Copy module to /usr/bin/r390 and remove the file extention(s) 2) chmod 755 mod_name 3) ipl390 (IPL P/390) to activate 4) Copy module to /etc/drivers and remove the file extention 5) shutdown -Fr (reboot AIX to activate) 6) Copy module to /usr/bin/r390 and change the file extention to .EXE 7) chmod 644 mod_name 8) Copy module to /usr/bin/r390 as is (ASCII file) 9) Modify the ipl390 script file appropriately. See Special Instructions Below! 11) Copy to /usr/lib/nls/msg/En_US and en_US. Fixes for ------------------ D S C E Y U V S S T T T E E E T S S No/Filename MMDDYY Fix description (#xxxxx = PMR number) T T T CoReqs Steps ----------------- ------ -------------------------------------------- ------ ----- 01 lcs3172tx.Ebin 060198 Better Performance on busy LANs Y N Y none 1-2-3 lcs3172rx.Ebin 060198 Better Performance on busy LANs Y N Y lcs3172tx.Fbin 070898 Better performance on outgoing data Y N N none 1-2-3 lcs3172rx.Fbin 070898 Better performance on outgoing data Y N N lcs3172tx.Gbin 100698 OS390 2.6 problem with new TCP/IP Y N Y none 1-2-3 lcs3172rx.Gbin 100698 OS390 2.6 problem with new TCP/IP Y N Y none 1-2-3 lcs3172tx.Hbin 020899 "End P/390" sometimes takes too long. Y Y N None 1-2-3 lcs3172rx.Hbin 020899 "End P/390" sometimes takes too long. Y Y N None 1-2-3 lcs3172tx.Ibin 120500 LINUX fix for Token Ring Y Y Y None 1-2-3 lcs3172rx.Ibin 120500 LINUX fix for Token Ring Y Y Y None 1-2-3 02 dmx25bpp.Cbin 060398 After vary inact VSE hangs,must re-IPL Y N Y None 1-2-3 dmx25lcp.Cbin 060398 After vary inact VSE hangs,must re-IPL Y N Y None 1-2-3 03 dm34xx.Obin 060598 Autoloader detection problem on Fuj Y N Y None 1-2-3 Blank tape handling corrections dm34xx.Pbin 081398 Increased wait for tape ready (RC=11) Y N N dm34xx.Qbin 092398 Removed limit of 7 tape drives Y N N Now configures 1 device per process to prevent timeouts during IPL and improve performance when more than 1 drive is in use. dm34xx.Rbin 111198 DLT problem fixed for Ditto Tape Map Y N N dm34xx.Sbin 010699 Fixes uninitialized/void tape problem Y N N dm34xx.Tbin 042299 Fixes missing ERA code on media error Y N N dm34xx.Ubin 060499 Fixes Overland L490E 18 vs 36 trk prob Y N N dm34xx.Vbin 082699 Fixes 4/8MM problem "invalid format" Y Y Y 04 dmckd.Ebin 070698 Second parm not recognized on startup Y N N None 1-2-3 (only a problem if -ckd3380 specified) dmckd.Fbin 081398 Added back awsmount support (got lost) Y N Y dmckd.Gbin 081498 awsmount -u problem (crash on EndP390) Y N Y Fixed awsmount -m Second file of 3390-03 not flushed on terminate dmckd.Hbin 110498 Hardware error recovery enhancements Y N Y dmckd.Ibin 051299 VSE SyncSort problem Y N Y dmckd.Jbin 061099 Locate record problem on latest VSE Y N Y dmckd.Kbin 040400 Prevent lost volumes when bad filename Y N Y dmckd.Lbin 011001 Misc EREP, Erase Write, Overflow fixes Y Y Y Fixes for Extended VSAM datasets Y Y Y dmckd.Mbin 030701 3390 Write Data in 0B Domain w/cnt=1 Y Y Y dmckd.Nbin 073101 Flush trk buffer on termination. Y Y N 05 chan.Sbin 070898 370 Mode fix for AWSICE CU Busy,CU End Y N Y None 1-2-3 chan.Tbin 020899 AWSICE start prob with certain LOCALE Y Y N chan.Ubin 113000 Defered CC=1 on chan PGM check. LINUX Y Y N chan.Vbin 031601 HDWR Console support for R/390E (4310) Y Y N 06 printer.Ebin 070998 1403 Write/Skip Ch 1 not page ejecting Y N Y None 1-2-3 Also added EOJ line 0 wildcard support printer.Fbin 071398 Intermittent intervention req on files Y N Y printer.Gbin 072498 Minor architectural corrections Y Y N printer.Hbin 080598 Fixes lost job when queue is busy Y N Y printer.Ibin 082898 Fixes queue file overlay problem Y N Y printer.Jbin 110498 Mult EOJ/QUEUE support.See AWS2821.DOC Y N Y printer.Kbin 120998 Put SenseID back in to be same as P390 Y N Y Added -nosid parm to disable Sense ID if needed 07 AWS2821.DOC 070998 EOJ line 0 wildcard support Y N Y None 8 110498 Multiple EOJ and QUEUE support 08 dmtape.Abin 072498 Minor architectural corrections Y Y N None 1-2-3 09 dm2540.Cbin 091798 AWS2540 Bug when LF or CR in col 81 Y N Y None 1-2-3 Also added debug option (-d) dm2540.Dbin 092298 VM IPL hangs if too many hot rdr files Y N Y dm2540.Fbin 060899 Latest level. Fixes probs on IPL Y N Y 10 dmoma.Abin 102198 AWSOMA Bug when tdf file has no EOL Y Y N None 1-2-3 Now converts to lower case if MOUNT or awsmount fileme not found dmoma.Bbin 060999 AWSOMA Bug on VMFPLC2 RUN command Y Y N 11 r390.Abin 102698 Fixes awscnf path restrictions Y Y N None 1-2-3 r390.Bbin 010699 Prevent mult configs, misc enhancments Y Y N r390.Cbin 020899 AWSICE start prob with certain LOCALE Y Y N None 1-2-3 12 awscfg.Abin 102698 Fixes awscnf path restrictions Y Y N None 1-2-3 awscfg.Bbin 020899 Save devmap.bu in CONFIG_FILE path Y Y N None 1-2-3 13 icecap.Abin 110498 V20C8 S/390 Channel Code for AWSICE Y Y N None 1-2-3 14 awscnf.Dbin 110998 CRS22RA omit DMKRIO on 'new' parameter Y N N None 1-2-3 awscnf.Ebin 111898 Insure msg is seen if error on startup Y N N awscnf.Fbin 120498 Cosmetic change to PF definitions Y Y N awscnf.Gbin 051899 Fix 4-digit IPL addr and add awspass Y Y N 15 startcon 111198 Changed X3270/XANT target to locahost Y Y N None 8 16 ipl390.template 111198 Changed X3270/XANT target to locahost Y Y N None 8 17 p390dd.Bbin 010699 Fixed Disabled wait Y Y N 18A 18 awsoia.Abin 010699 Fixed Disabled wait, occasional abend Y Y N 17B 1-2-3 19 dmerror.cat 010699 Latest messages Y Y N None 11 20 AWSStop.Bbin 020899 Kernel unload errno=22 on SMP Y Y N None 1-2-3 21 AWSTerm.Bbin 020899 Kernel unload errno=22 on SMP Y Y N None 1-2-3 22 buildIPL.Abin 020899 AWSICE start prob with certain LOCALE Y Y N None 1-2-3 23 dmlib.Cbin 020899 "End P/390" sometimes takes too long. Y Y N None 1-2-3 dmlib.Dbin 031601 HDWR Console support for R/390E (4310) Y Y N 24 awssdump.Dbin 061099 Bring up to same level as in R390.4310 Y Y N None 1-2-3 25 AWS3274.DOC 101999 LU Name support for TN3270E clients Y Y Y None 8 dm3270.Dbin 101999 LU Name support for TN3270E clients Y Y Y None 1-2-3 dm3270.Ebin 102499 Some LU Names didnt work. Y Y Y tn3270d.Dbin 101999 LU Name support for TN3270E clients Y Y Y None 1-2-3 tn3270s.Dbin 101999 LU Name support for TN3270E clients Y Y Y None 1-2-3 26 dmxcasdlc.Bbin 110899 X.21 Leased line support for WAN3172 Y Y Y None 1-2-3 WAN3172.DOC 110899 X.21 Leased line support for WAN3172 Y Y Y None 8 27 dm3215.Bbin 111600 Linux/390 fixes for AWS3215 Y Y N None 1-2-3 emul3215.Bbin 111600 Linux/390 fixes for AWS3215 Y Y N None 1-2-3 dm3215.Cbin 031601 HDWR Console support for R/390E (4310) Y Y N None 1-2-3 emul3215.Cbin 031601 HDWR Console support for R/390E (4310) Y Y N None 1-2-3 AWS3215.DOC 031601 HDWR Console support for R/390E (4310) Y Y N None 8 dm3215.Dbin 041101 HDWR Console fix miss/dupe lines w/zVM Y Y N None 1-2-3 Special Instructions: --------------------- None at this time